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Z zlatom prevlečeni uhani iz medenine z mother-of-pearl obeski v obliki metuljčka.


Uhani so zelo lahki na ušesih. Ne vsebujejo niklja ali svinca.

Izdelki so ročno izdelani in unikatni, zato se lahko nekoliko razlikujejo po vzorcu, obliki, barvi, teksturi ali velikosti. Barve so lahko nekoliko drugačne kot v resničnem življenju. Različni zasloni prikazujejo različne barve.

Sestavljeno z lastnimi rokami in z ljubeznijo.


€ 30,00Price
Na zalogi samo še 3 kosov
  • MATERIAL: medenina, mother of pearl

    VELIKOST: 2.2 cm x 1 cm

  • "rebirth - a period of new life, growth, or activity; a revival."


    This collection was created in the spirit of self-love and mental health awareness. A lot of us struggle with mental health and battle so many different illnesses, especially in the type of world we live in now. The pieces in this collection carry a very important message: You've come a long way, be proud of yourself for breathing, and for getting through another day. The collection consists of unique jewelry pieces and every piece in this collection is created with so much love and named in order to remind you that you are going to get through this, and things will get easier. You are beautiful, unique, and perfectly imperfect and you deserve all the love in the world. I see butterflies and flowers as symbols of growth, evolving, and getting through hard times. Real freshwater pearls used in this collection, are a symbol of luck, love, and protection. All the visuals and the messages behind the collection fit perfectly into the springtime, just in time for European Mental Health Week and Mental Health Awareness Month - both take place in May.

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