Pozlačeni uhani iz medenine, odporni na madeže, s hipoalergenimi palčkami (skozi uho) iz 316 nerjavečega jekla in pravimi sladkovodnimi biseri. 2 v 1 - biserni obesek enostavno snamete iz obročka in nosite samo obročke.
Uhani so zelo lahki na ušesih. Ne vsebujejo niklja ali svinca.
Izdelki so ročno izdelani in unikatni, zato se lahko nekoliko razlikujejo po vzorcu, obliki, barvi, teksturi ali velikosti. Barve so lahko nekoliko drugačne kot v resničnem življenju. Različni zasloni prikazujejo različne barve.
Sestavljeno z lastnimi rokami in z ljubeznijo.
MATERIAL: medenina, jeklo, biser
VELIKOST: 2.5 cm x 0.8 cm (širina obročka: 1.3 cm)
"very light and delicate, especially in a way that does not seem to come from the real, physical world: ethereal beauty. an ethereal being"
This collection consists of unique jewelry pieces and every piece in this collection is created with so much love and named in order to remind you that you are “that girl”. You are dreamy, divine, alluring, gorgeous, bright, lucky and so much more. This is a reminder to love yourself. Self-love will heal you, empower you, and open up new worlds inside and around you. You are beautiful and special, and you deserve all the love in the world. You are perfect in your imperfections, they make you unique. Start loving yourself entirely and keep choosing yourself, again and again, and again.