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Hipoalergena verižica iz nerjavečega jekla z obeskom iz CITRINE kristala v obliki solzice.


Citrin povezujemo s pozitivo in optimizmom. Privlači finančno obilje, uspeh in blaginjo. Z njim lahko zbudimo solarno čakro, pomaga nam s samozavestjo in osebno močjo. Spodbuja kreativnost, ščiti pred negativnimi energijami, aktivira intuicijo, poveča koncentracijo, pomaga nam premagovati strahove in uravnovesiti čustva. Pomaga z zdravljenjem očesnih bolezni, kroženjem krvi, menstrualnimi težavami in prebavnimi težavami. Citrine predstavlja sprititualno veselje, ter širi pozitivo.


Izdelki so ročno izdelani in unikatni, zato se lahko nekoliko razlikujejo po vzorcu, obliki, barvi, teksturi ali velikosti. Barve so lahko nekoliko drugačne kot v resničnem življenju. Različni zasloni prikazujejo različne barve.


Sestavljeno z lastnimi rokami in z ljubeznijo.


Stara cena: 25€, nova cena: 29€, zaradi višanja cen materiala, višanja ostalih stroškov itd. Več o dvigu cen preberi tukaj:


€ 29,00Price
Na zalogi samo še 1 kosov
  • MATERIAL: jeklo, citrin, medenina

    VELIKOST: 40-45 cm dolga veriga
    velikost obeska: 1.2 cm

  • "In a spiritual context, the notion of abundance or plenty is less about material conditions, revolving instead (once basic needs are met), around an appreciation of life in its fullness, joy and strength of mind, body and soul."

    This necklace is a part of the self-love collection, and therefore the name is chosen in order to remind you of loving yourself.

    The collection was created to remind you to be kind to yourself, love yourself, and be your own valentine every day of the year. It encourages you to trust yourself, believe in yourself, take care of yourself, take time for yourself, and to do what makes you happy.

    You are made of light, you are beautiful, special, unique, and you deserve all the love in the world. We are all perfect in our imperfections, they make us different from the rest, and they make us who we are.

    The collection consists of unique jewelry pieces and every piece in this collection is named in order to remind you of your worth. All jewelry is filled with my love for creativity, jewelry making, and you. I want you to wear my jewelry as a reminder to love yourself and to put yourself first. 

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